Sunday, April 27, 2014

6th and 7th grade topics for the test on Friday May 2nd

6th graders:

- Square Roots and Irrational numbers
- The Pythagorean Theorem

7th graders:

- Functions
- Understanding slope
- Graphing linear functions

Monday, April 21, 2014

7th grade Quiz due Friday April 25th

Dear 7th graders:

Here is the link for the quiz due Friday:

REMEMBER: This quiz is for 7.5 points of the quiz. The other half you will be taking it in class on Friday.

Things to keep in mind:
#1. Please PRINT OUT the quiz. You have 4 days to print it out. If you cannot print it at home, you still have the school's library to get it done.

#2. Must show ALL of your work, in other words PROCESS.

#3. Work must be neat and clean.

#4. Turn it in BEFORE the first period.

#5 If you cannot open the link, you have until Wednesday 7:30pm to email me so I can send it to you directly.

If there are any questions please email me and I will reply as soon as possible.

Have a great afternoon!

Mrs. Diana

6th grade quiz due Friday April 25th

Dear 6th graders:

Here is the link for the quiz due Friday: 

Things to keep in mind:
#1. Please PRINT OUT the quiz. You have 4 days to print it out. If you cannot print it at home, you still have the school library to get it done.

#2. Must show ALL of your work, in other words PROCESS.

#3. Work must be neat and clean.

#4. Turn it in BEFORE the first period.

#5 If you cannot open the link, you have until Wednesday 7:30pm to email me so I can send it to you directly.

If there are any questions please email me and I will reply as soon as possible.

Have a great afternoon!

Mrs. Diana

Monday, April 7, 2014

6th and 7th grade homework for this week

Dear 6th and 7th graders,

Here is your homework for this week. I am really sorry for not being there today (Bronte and Verne). I hope you were able to work on today's class, and that you did your best. Tomorrow I will go over the content again to clarify doubts.

6th grade:

Due Tuesday: Ex. 1 - 5 p.396
Due Thursday: Ex. 15 - 17 p.396 and ex. 26, 27 p.397

7th grade:

Due Tuesday: Ex. 3 - 5 p.382 and Ex. 26 - 28 p.384
Due Thursday: Take notes on lesson 8.7 and solve ex. 1 - 4 p.390
Remember the project due on Friday!

Have a great afternoon!

Monday, March 24, 2014

7th grade homework

Good afternoon 7th graders!

Here I have uploaded an image with the formula of area for the square, parallelogram (which is the same as the one for square), trapezoid, triangle, and the circle. 

Please study at home. I understand that this topic can be a little confusing but if you study on a daily basis and try your best, you will fully understand it and be able to move on to the following topic easily. 

Regarding the homework, remember:
1. You must copy/print the instructions. 
2. You must show all of your work (process).
3. Your work must have the complete heading (name, date, grade)
4. Your work must be NEAT and CLEAN.

You have until 6pm to email me if you have any problems opening the link, or if you would like for me to send you today's worksheet. Tomorrow I will collect notebooks to correct today's class and tomorrow's exercises.

Have a great afternoon!


Monday, March 3, 2014

6th and 7th grade QUIZ DUE FRIDAY FEBRUARY 7

Hello all!

I hope you had a great weekend and came back relaxed and ready to work. You all received the homework for this week (check powerschool in case you missed copying it - you shouldn't have), remember not to leave things until the last minute. You can check out the upcoming topics and come ready for class!

For the quiz remember the following:

  • You must copy instructions
  • Use blue to underline (if you wish to underline)
  • Your work must be NEAT, CLEAN, and ORGANIZED 
  • Show all your work. No process = no points
  • Complete heading (Subject, name, date, grade)

6th grade quiz:
Ex. 1 - 10 p. 288
Ex. 1 - 5 p. 309 (NOTE: for exercises 4 and 5 instructions say to use an equation. However, use proportions to solve it)

7th grade quiz:
Ex. 1 - 15 p.348

Sunday, February 16, 2014

6th and 7th grade topics

Dear all,

I apologize for the delay, I hope you have been studying anyways the topics we have covered until now.

6th grade topics:
Ratio, rate, unit rate, unit cost
Proportions, solving proportions, using similar figures

7th grade topics:
Solve equations (one step, two-step, multi-step) with variables on both sides - Remember the distributive property!
Solve inequalities (add, subtract, multiply, or divide)

I hope you are all having a great day, see you all tomorrow!