Sunday, February 16, 2014

6th and 7th grade topics

Dear all,

I apologize for the delay, I hope you have been studying anyways the topics we have covered until now.

6th grade topics:
Ratio, rate, unit rate, unit cost
Proportions, solving proportions, using similar figures

7th grade topics:
Solve equations (one step, two-step, multi-step) with variables on both sides - Remember the distributive property!
Solve inequalities (add, subtract, multiply, or divide)

I hope you are all having a great day, see you all tomorrow!

Monday, February 3, 2014

6th and 7th grade Homework (AND quiz for 6th graders)

Dear 6th and 7th grade, 

Here is the homework for this week. Remember your work must present all of the following:

  • Complete heading: Name, Grade, Subject, DATE
  • Instructions! 
  • You must show your work (process) for everything.
  • Work with PENCIL
  • If you wish to underline, remember to use ONLY blue.

6th grade:
For Tuesday February 4th: Ex. 2 - 5 p.246 and ex. 39, 41 p.248
For Thursday February 6th: Ex. 1 - 4 p.254
Quiz due February 6th: Ex. 1 - 10 p.237 (Check point Quiz 1)

7th grade: 
For Tuesday Ex. 1 - 5 p.277
For Thursday Ex. 1 - 5 p.284

Have a great afternoon!

If you have any questions don't forget to email me! I will reply as soon as I can!