Wednesday, September 26, 2012

6th and 7th grade Homework for Thursday September 27th, 2012

6th grade:
Remember we must follow PEMDAS:

Exercises 4, 5, 14 and 15 page 50

Use the order of operations to fill in the blanks:
4) 4 x 5 + 7 = ____ + 7 = ____
5) 20 - 2 x 8 = ____ + 16 = _____

Find the value of each expression:
14) -12 ÷ 6 - (1 + 4)
15) 48 ÷ (-4 x 3) + 2

7th grade:

Our homework for tomorrow has to do with formulas. Tomorrow we will  have class, since your field trip has been cancelled and moved to Oct. 9th.

Remember that whenever we are working with formulas we need to see what we are being asked to know if we are going to have to isolate the variable or simply substitute and solve.

For exercises 21 and 22 you will need to isolate the variables asked and then substitute to solve.

Best of luck! See you all tomorrow!

Exercises 21, 22 and 24 p.84

Use the formula d = rt to find the following:
21) r for d = 12mi and t = 0.5h
22) t for d = 120km and r = 45 km/h

24) How is transforming a formula similar to solving an equation with just one variable? How is it different?


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